Enable/Disable Playback Queing
Subsequent speech calls can be queued for playback, or not.
Click on the below two links in sequence. Don't wait for the first to complete before clicking the second. See how they queue to play in sequence?
Now do the same after clicking on the setStatus calls below them, and see how you can change that behavior.
sayText('Set Status also has progress interval, gaze speed, and display controls parameters.',3,1,3)
To set the interruptMode parameter of setStatus() to 0 using the setStatus() command: setStatus(0,0,0,1). In this case, audio playback function calls are queued for consecutive playback. 0 is the default interruptMode.
To set the interruptMode parameter of setStatus() to 1 using the setStatus() command: setStatus(1,0,0,1). In this case, the current audio is interrupted when audio playback functions such as sayAudio or sayText are called.